Step 1: Find Your Voucher Code
To get your voucher code, go to the Homepage (or click 'Participate' in the menu), then click the blue 'Vouchers' button at the bottom of the list. This is where you'll find your list of Completed Projects and unique voucher codes.
Step 2: Redeem on Amazon
To redeem your voucher, simply visit this page and enter your voucher code:
Each submitted survey needs to be checked and approved by the researcher leading the study before any vouchers are issued.
You can see the status of all your completed Projects by clicking 'Participate' in the menu, then 'Completed Projects'. If your submission has been rejected for any reason, it will be flagged yellow 'Invalid' and a reason given. If your voucher has been issued, it will be flagged green "Voucher issued. If neither of these options show, then your submission is still being checked - please bear with us while we do this - we try to check and approve/reject …
To redeem your voucher, simply visit this page and enter your voucher code: